Thursday, March 5, 2020

Labour Andrew Neil Interviews

I haven't posted on here for a good while. So a little catch up. I watched Keir Starmer and Rebecca Long-Bailey get interviewed by Andrew Neil earlier. He gave them both a pretty good pulverising. I don't envy the experience. You can almost see the fear in the eyes of the interviewees at the start. You know it's coming, but what can you do to stop it. Boris refusing to go on was probably the smart move.

My biggest takeaway, perhaps superficially, was that Rebecca Long-Bailey should've worn her trademark glasses for the interview. Being very young and very blonde she looked too youthful and inexperienced. Her glasses add gravitas. Again, it's a superficial thing to notice, but these things are important. They create an impression. Also, glasses give the air of intelligence, which would've definitely helped in this interview.

We're now starting to get towards the sharp end of the leadership contest. So it'll be interesting to see what happens ..and what happens afterwards. Depending on who wins.

As for Irish politics and my plans to keep a keener eye on that. Well, that hasn't quite happened. It's disappeared off my radar. However, posting here today has forced me to actually look up what's going on. Which is at least something. Apparently a government hasn't been formed yet and it's forecast to take up until Easter to get things sorted. Why rush things.

It does make me grateful that we still have a first-past-the-post system that usually delivers a nice clean result so we can just crack on with things.

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