Thursday, November 26, 2020

Middlesbrough - Christmas Ghost Town

I went into town today. It was like a ghost town, only with Christmas lights. It honestly blows my mind how people can be so blasé about such a long and severe economic shut down. When I think back to what it was like this time last year, with everything bustling with Christmas shoppers, it seems almost difficult to believe. It's like people have just upped sticks and left the place. Though of course they haven't ..they're all hidden away in their homes.

When I head onto Facebook I see plenty of people complaining about the various rules and contradictions. Especially with the "Tier 3" announcements today. Yet few seem to query the core idea that governments should intrude so far into their lives. The attitude seems to be;

"This government are terrible ! Why aren't they telling me what to do in the way I want them to."

There's this odd contradiction where people have surrendered all power over to the state, yet still expect to be in charge. I keep trying to point out that it doesn't work like that, and that when you give up your autonomy you don't get to call the shots anymore, but I'm beginning to sound like a stuck record.

I actually went to post something today and just thought "Why bother?". Is it really worth the hassle annoying these people yet again. Perhaps I should just try to chill out and enjoy Christmas as best I can. Accepting the fact that 90% of the population are happy to be treated like barnyard animals.

At least I have the Christmas decorations to myself.

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