Thursday, August 22, 2024

One Staffroom or Many?

One more point and post, before I move onto playing everything with a straight bat again.

I likened the ruling class to a school staffroom, but is there just one group of "adults," or are there many? Essentially, are there different factions at the top? Or is it just one group of people, who are all on the same page?

In my personal opinion, I think there are different factions. (Though, no doubt, the lines naturally blur somewhat.) I think this is to be expected whatever the situation. There are always factions at court, even if it's just a single court.

Looking at the "riots" through this lens the single group notion would suggest a Hegelian dialectic type thing. The David Icke classic line, "Problem, Reaction, Solution." Meaning the riots were stirred up completely to manufacture calls and justification for the response - facial recognition and whatever else.

The factional view would posit something different though. That the faction stirring up the riots were trying to put pressure upon the faction running the current British government.

Again, it could be a complex mix of these things. Such is the 'wilderness of mirrors' nature of our modern political world.

One thing that lends weight to the different factions idea is the heavy-handed way Keir Starmer's government has dealt with the rioters. (If reports are to be believed.) This suggests that the government wants to nip the riots in the bud and quickly put a stop to them. Personally, I think the response has been disproportionate and unfair to the individual idiots caught up in these riots. However, anything other than a heavy response would give the green light to further protests. So the government has to do this really. It's the right thing to do from a pragmatic point of view.

Fortunately, things seem to have calmed down now. Hopefully, they stay this way.

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