I've been trying to reorientate myself. To tip the scales back towards the earth a little. To put the genie back in the bottle somewhat. You may remember I was lovesick ..say it quietly. Having a few sleepless nights. Woman. Creeping into my thoughts like tangled vines. Every spare minute of thought instantly overgrown with her presence. Even times when I should be focused, distracted by her pull. Just when I think I've escaped, pulled back by some reminder: an image; a likeness; other people in love; the merest mention of sex; or babies; or families. Even the vaguest of resemblances - someone has the same hair colour, or wears the same coat. Curse my jealous bones.
I think I'm over the worst of it though. So I think it's time I started dedicating at least 50% of my mental space to other things. I used to lie awake at night thinking about politics, or science, or God. It was so much easier. The male domain. Then I strayed into the waters of the moon goddess. I was out of my depth.
Anyway, that aside, let's get on to UK politics 😅
The latest thing is the petition for a General Election, which has now reached two million signatures. Obviously, I think it's silly. Firstly, it's just a non-starter. Labour have a whopping majority, so no amount of crying will bring about one. Secondly, it once again surrenders the high ground. Now all the leftists and remainers, that spent years pushing similar petitions, can just point out the hypocrisy. It's an easy win, and just makes everyone involved look unserious. I can't help but note how directionless everything has become since I've been away with the mermaids. Perhaps I really do need to get back to Twitter and start annoying people again.
To be fair, I think the larger push is to put pressure on Keir Starmer. To use this petition more as leverage than as an actual call for an election. Still though, I don't like it. People (normal, everyday people) just want stable government. This constant undermining of British prime ministers is just tiresome. Whatever side of the fence they fall on.
The lack of patience is disappointing. It's a negative that we have five years of a globalist Labour government, but you have to accept the reality and look to the positive opportunity. You have plenty of time to build a really solid alternative. You can ditch the day-to-day politics and focus on grander things. You can sit back and calmly criticise the government without the need to be hysterical or headline grabbing. You have time to win people over. To present yourself as a solid alternative.
I've seen people on the right recently criticising Nigel Farage for not being more vocal and fervent. That he wasn't fully throwing his weight behind the farmers' protest. Or pushing the Overton window more on issues like deportation. However, he's got plenty of time. He doesn't need to be doing things like that. He just needs to keep his powder dry. Yes, it's bad for the farmers, but the reality is Labour are fully in charge and aren't going anywhere anytime soon. If the protests can influence the government, then great. They're not going to get rid of the government though. So this isn't it. People need to look to the long term.
It's what I always call sleeping on the battlefield. In the unceasing storm of politics there's an art to finding space to snooze. You need sleep. Not just to allow the mind and body to recover, but also to process and contextualise information. To get a good big picture. If you're constantly whipped up by the latest daily headlines you end up rudderless. It's like being in the beam of the moon goddess above. You're completely subsumed by the latest moody look. Weeks of flirty conversation count for nothing against the most recent emotionally-charged moment. Or contrariwise, a single smile or dart of eye contact suddenly has you thinking of marriage and happy-ever-after, after days of cold indifference. You (I) need to step back.
To be a steady rock against the wild and turbulent sea.
(You can tell I've been listening to this type of stuff: The Ultimate Book that Explains the Differences Between Men and Women
The right do have interesting content, for all my criticism. Though I do advise that stuff like Evola be taken with a pinch of salt.)
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