Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Learning English Counties and Constituencies

Time flies when you're slowing plodding through constituencies and their past voting records. It's actually quite interesting though. I'm using Wikipedia now as they provide a map. It's like a crash course in learning where all the various counties are. My knowledge of counties, especially those outside the north of England, has always been very foggy. I might now finally have the sort of useless general knowledge about the country that helps you get the odd quiz show question right.

As for the elections there do seem to be quite a few constituencies where UKIP really did take a hefty chunk out of the Labour vote. It makes me think that Nigel Farage and his team really do have a good point when it comes to all this. Though obviously they have predominantly damaged the Conservative vote in most seats. I'm starting to feel confident that they very much know what they're doing.

I still have quite a lot of constituencies to look through though. So I better crack on.

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