Saturday, August 12, 2023

Half-Man, Half-Machine - All Monbiot

Yesterday we had this article in the Guardian:

Where George Monbiot once again argued for the reintroduction of wolves to the British landscape. I'm not going to discuss the idea itself - I think it's quite silly. What I do want to comment upon though is the mindset that led to this.

The mindset of the educated elite class is quite a confused one; and at the heart of it is a fundamental contradiction.

On the one hand their progressivism leads them to chase technological progress - see their worship of Science with its capital "S", and their technocratic tendencies.

On the other hand, however, they have their environmentalism. With its belief that man is a destructive force upon the earth. That nature is best left "unspoilt" and completely untouched by the selfish presence of man.

Obviously, these two worldviews don't quite meld.

And instead of tempering these ideologies to find some kind of harmonious balance, they've hit upon a novel and zany solution. A solution that only a schizophrenic mind could come up with.

That is:

Humans will live in Star Trek-like cities, where we'll have all the things the technocratic mind can dream of: big data; mass surveillance; AI; advanced medicines and therapeutics that extend the human life span - perhaps indefinitely; virtual worlds; the metaverse; robots and Judy Jetson.

Meanwhile, outside of these cities, we'll have nature completely untouched. Rewilded. As it once was. Before man turned up and ruined it all. Replete with wolves and every other savage beast that once roamed it. Humans (except for the chosen few) will be forbidden from entering these vast zones of Earth sans man.

Two worlds, completely segregated, completely different.

Something akin to Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, - or Hunger Games, or Logan's Run. That is, something akin to fantasy and science-fiction. But this is what these people believe. They want to have their cake and eat it, and their minds are so entitled that there is zero room for compromise.

George Monbiot wants his face masks and free Covid tests. He also wants his wolves.

He wants nature untamed by man. Yet he also wants all flu viruses to be eradicated.

Net zero to preserve nature from deadly man. Zero Covid to protect man from deadly nature.

Two forms of ideological extremism, that can only be accommodated in the mind by literally drawing a line across the muddy earth and saying, "On this side nature, on this side man." It's obviously barmy. I don't know why they don't just go the whole hog and advocate bringing back dinosaurs. We can all live like the bubble-boy in our pods as raptors roam Yorkshire.

Two hundred million people, refugees an' all, crammed in a dome-covered London. whilst the rest of Britain is like Jurassic Park. The irony is George Monbiot probably sees himself as Jeff Goldblum.
"God creates Man, God creates wolves. Man destroys wolves, Man destroys God. Man creates wolves."

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