Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Another Lock Down Morning Well Spent

I woke up today fairly bright and early. About 8:30 am. However, it's now near midday. My morning has completely disappeared as once again I've spent hours arguing with people on Twitter.

Again, the lock down. I suppose I have little better to do though I guess.

It's the same argument I've been making on here over the last few days essentially. Namely that people are free to stay home themselves - no one is forcing them to leave the house - so they have no excuse for demanding that others be locked up.

This is usually met with the common refrain "..but I HAVE to leave my house to get shopping and walk the dog, so you're putting me at risk you selfish person."

I then have to explain how both these things are choices.

When you choose to walk your dog you're weighing up the happiness and health of the dog against the potential risk you're posing to other people outside. Of course, I'm completely against the lock down, so I would never want anyone to not walk their dog, but it does serve to illustrate the point. It is a decision. So why can't we, as individuals, make the same risk calculation for our own health and happiness? Or for that of our friends and loved ones with their consent?

The shopping argument is just as easy to unpick ..and much, much more amusing too. Firstly, you can get food delivered at home, to your doorstep. People then of course reply;

"...b-b-but there's a long waiting list for food deliveries :(( "

However, if there's a problem with food delivery surely you should be demanding that governments (and companies) fix that problem. Not demanding that your fellow humans have their rights stripped so you can go to the local shop without fear.

Then secondly, and this is what I really enjoy pointing out. Getting food is also a risk calculation. Does my need for food outweigh the risk of catching or spreading a flu virus?

So I quite enjoy turning the argument back on people and saying "I'm sure you could last a few weeks or even months without food. Yet you still choose to leave the house and risk the lives of others to satiate your hunger. How selfish."

It's funny how these people are always demanding sacrifices from other people, yet when it's their turn to suffer there's suddenly a million excuses.

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