Thursday, April 23, 2020

Some Little Follow-Ups

Self-replicating, naturally evolving political systems. Organic for the people.

Some little follow-ups to that last post (yes, two posts in a single day (!), I must be getting my act together).

It occurs to me that it may be sensible to separate the 'party system' or 'structure', from my own actual party. Though that party will obviously also use that structure.

I'm now thinking that perhaps the structure itself can be designed kind of like open source software. Where you put the design out there and anyone can then use or tweak it. I'm also thinking that it would also be useful to have clear and easy to follow advice that explains to any people thinking of standing as a politician the practical steps that one needs to go through. Tailored for individual countries ideally. So it's super easy for people wanting to get involved. Making it more of a copy and paste process, and giving independent candidates all the help they need. Unlike now where if you chose to do something like this you are completely on your own and in the dark. Struggling to make your way in a strange world for the first time.

(Having never been involved in politics myself I have no idea what practicalities someone would face and I'm sure it's quite complicated. Especially for a newbie. And the main parties certainly won't be offering any help to anyone not on their team. In fact, it reminds me of last year. Apparently in the run up to the local elections a person went to the local Labour Party office asking if they could give him advice about how to stand as an independent 😂 They were quite insulted and told him squarely to leave. Obviously it's hardly surprising they would do this and you wonder what the guy was thinking, but still, where else do you go to ask for advice like that?)

So, yeah, online help kits for people like the chap who went to the Labour HQ. Also a web forum of some sort where people could help each other and impart their advice would be good too.

Fresh Air and Liberty - Colours

I've also been considering colours. Y'know, the important stuff. Green and white seems like the natural way to go. Green for the fresh air/outdoors, with white seeming natural for the straight up liberty aspect.

However, I also like the idea of blue and green. So it's like an outdoor landscape. Green field below. Blue sky above.

Perhaps this could be the flag if one was ever needed.

Obviously some nice outdoorsy photographs of the landscape would be much more attractive. I'd probably better focus on the actual plans and policies before I get too invested in doing artwork though lol.

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