Sunday, September 11, 2022

I Don't Know.

Woke up bright and early today. On Twitter there's a lot of talk about the Russians being pushed back in Ukraine. You may have noticed I haven't posted very much about the war on here, even though it's obviously of huge importance. The main reason for this is that I simply have no certainty about what is going on there. It's so far away and we're so removed from it that it's difficult to tell where reality begins and fiction ends. So I'm in a permanent state of doubt whenever the topic pops up.

I have several different competing theories in mind as to what's actually going on. Ranging from just accepting the mainstream narrative prima facie to more exotic ideas. I'll be keeping all these views to myself though. Sometimes you just have to accept that you simply don't know for sure what's going on and that your opinions aren't helpful or useful to the situation. I am paying attention though, and it does interest me.

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