Thursday, February 6, 2020

Scotland From The Outside

Okay, so having posted yesterday I'm going to post today too. Let's try to start posting daily again. Get this thing rolling (so much for me focusing on my work of fiction).

I'm just going to briefly mention the SNP. Today they've been hit by a scandal where the finance minister has had to resign ..because he's been sending messages to a "16 year old boy". Not great for them.

I'm only really posting as this seems to be the latest in a long line of problems for them over the last few weeks. It was just a few days ago that I was watching a commentator on YouTube note how the SNP are now getting criticism from within the Scottish nationalist movement. With the main criticism seeming to be that the SNP have hitched their wagon to EU membership.

Last year I kept predicting (badly) that the SNP would start losing a bit of favour in Scotland. Perhaps that is now coming to pass, just twelve months or so later than I expected. I don't like second guessing Scotland too much. After all, being in England, albeit the north of England, I am quite far removed from it all.

I watched the whole "Leave A Light On For Scotland" thing unfold as we left the EU last week. Don't get me wrong, I do have sympathy for people on the other side of the Brexit argument. However, lighting candles in the street - something you normally only do to mourn people that have died - seemed very melodramatic and over the top. My nan was Scottish, so I'm 25% Scottish at heart, and I felt a bit of cringe on the country's behalf. I was always raised to see Scottish independence as something fiery, but what's the point if it's just going to be all tears and self-pity.

I would imagine many actual proper Scottish people feel the same. Though again, I can only really speculate from the outside.

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