Saturday, November 2, 2019

Northern Vacuum

A little short one today. The General eBrextion flow continues. I'm mainly seeing a lot of debate online about vote BP, get Labour. The vote-splitting fear is real for sure, and again, we await to see the full Brexit Party strategy.

My fear though is that with the media being so London-centric we'll see another vote or election where the political class completely misread the north and other parts of the country. With the focus so far being more on what a threat the Brexit Party could be to Brexit in the south, than on what a huge potential gain they could be for Brexit in the north.

Labour are very weak up here. Historically weak. They are ripe for the taking. In many seats though the Tories simply aren't the party to do that. Farage should just come up here and park the tanks on Labour's lawn, but I think even Farage feels a little bit uncomfortable campaigning up here. The truth is politics by and large is something that happens further south, and we up here simply pick a brand that's on offer. We don't really have a party. Scotland has its SNP, Wales and Northern Ireland have their various parties. The north of England, especially now that Labour have abandoned it, is a real blank canvas.

(Boris watching Deal or No Deal da boom)

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