Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Why Would You Not Want Farage On Your Team?

Still no agreement between the Tories and BXP it seems. Though Nigel does seem to be making big efforts to focus on attacking Labour now.

I've been watching the Conservative attitude to all this. They do seem very arrogant in regard the situation. I saw Jacob Rees-Mogg (who I'm a huge fan of normally) talk about how Farage needs to see that "he's won" and that it's now time to step down. It was a bit condescending.

They seem to be saying; "You've done your bit, Brexit's back on track, we'll take over now."

I think this attitude worries me more than the actual lack of a pact, as it makes me wonder if they have a real grasp of the situation. The polls look great for the Conservatives, but the polls have been terrible in recent years on every big event. The fact that so much polling is done online means so many parts of the demographic are missed.

I discussed this back in this post --> Aussie Polling Wrong Too

I may have to revisit this topic over the coming weeks.

I really can't understand why the Conservatives aren't throwing the Brexit Party a few seats in the north of England. There are some seats where the Tories simply can't win. Surely you'd rather have a Brexit Party MP than a Labour MP in these seats. What's to lose? Plus it gets Farage to stand down in Tory seats. If they're just looking at the polls and thinking we're going to smash this then it worries me a little. Corbyn is a very good campaigner, and the media seem to be giving him an easier ride so far. Again, why would you not want someone like Farage on your team? It means you're up against two superb soap box politicians. Both with the common touch, albeit in very different ways.

My neck of the woods...

I'm still unsure how I'll be voting. I'd really like to vote for the Brexit Party. However, I'm now fairly certain it'll be a straight up battle between Labour and the Independent candidate Antony High. He continues to get good traction on social media, and also the local newspaper seems to be framing it as him against Labour. So will a Brexit candidate get much of a foot in the door given the local terrain?

Still plenty of time to go. So things may change, but I think the die is cast to a large extent.

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