Friday, November 1, 2019

Waiting on the Brexit Party

Well, we still don't quite know how many candidates Farage will stand. He offered Boris a deal today. Boris refused. We wait and see now how Nigel responds.

I'm hoping, and expecting, that the Brexit Party will be sensible and will attack Labour seats and give the Conservatives a swerve. Will be truly crazy if they don't.

now local stuff !!!

I've been following the local electioneering too today a little bit. It's hard to get a sense of what the ground will look like until we see the Brexit Party plan. I fully expect them to stand a candidate in my constituency. Traditional Labour, will never vote Tory.

Will they stand the same candidate they have pinned for the area currently though or will they parachute someone else in?

The current candidate, Faye Clements, seems very nice from what I've witnessed on social media. She's still largely unknown though.

Either way she or some other Brexit Party candidate will probably be getting my vote as I've edged a lot closer to voting BP today. The independent candidate, Antony High, who I mentioned a few posts ago. He simply doesn't seem to be a nailed on Brexiteer. He says he would respect the result of the referendum, which is commendable. However, the responses I've seen him give to people on social media when asked about it don't fill me with hope.

Brexit is of course the major issue for me. So I can't possibly vote for any person or party that isn't fully committed to the leave cause - whatever the mathematics of the vote. I mentioned in the last post on this topic that the Mayor of Middlesbrough (candidate Antony High is his deputy) ran a superbly effective campaign earlier this year. Thrashing the Labour candidate. So going by that I would think his deputy has a real chance of success.

If there is a three way split it would no doubt benefit Labour greatly though. So it may mean I'll be throwing my vote away if I choose the third placed option. Were it a simple head to head I would put good money on Labour losing this seat, but if the alternative isn't clear then the core Labour vote up here will surely save them.

Going to be very exciting to watch it all unfold though.

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