Thursday, May 23, 2019

Andrea Leadsom Leaving..

So Andrea Leadsom quit the cabinet yesterday. This feels highly symbolic. She's someone I really admire, and she's quit at the same point that I would've quit had I been in her position. She seems very balanced. I really hope she becomes the next Tory leader.

I vaguely remember her being touted for leader after Cameron left, but I think the establishment at the time (however you want to define that) felt it was a gamble too far. So the idea was stepped on. The Brexit referendum sped the British car up, bringing in Theresa May was like putting the seat belt on.

I think it's really difficult to judge whether this was a good decision or not. Looking back in hindsight it's very easy to deem it a mistake, but it's impossible to know what reality would now look like had we taken a different course. Perhaps Theresa May has been a useful buffer between the pre and post Brexit worlds. Everybody says Britain is in "chaos", but it really isn't. British democracy is in a very healthy and vibrant mood.

Theresa May has steered a middle ground. How many other people in the country can genuinely say that. I don't know when she'll leave, but assuming it's soon I think she deserves some respect and credit. She did offer a Brexit ..which people on both sides voted down.

Having Theresa May in the middle has meant that neither side has been able to push too far. Of course, being a Brexiteer I believe Brexit really must happen now. However, at the same time, I think it's all been a bit of a shock to many people on the other side of the argument. It probably feels like the French Revolution to them, though it very much isn't. So giving everyone a breather and a chance to express their grievances has probably been therapeutic for democracy as a whole.

I really think the British system, an ill-defined democracy that has evolved over centuries, is like an organism. It's digesting Brexit. No one quite knows exactly what's happening, but the organism is doing something.

Britain is bigger than the sum of its parts and ultimately it will outsmart every single individual.

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