Tuesday, June 11, 2019

At What Point Does It Become Not Racist To Talk About Immigration?

A short post today, asking a simple question. It stemmed from a real life conversation a friend was telling me about yesterday. Where one of his friends was expressing concern over the immigration figures, and another was following the media line that all talk of immigration is racist, or a cover for racism.

So the logical question to ask is - at what point does immigration get so high that it becomes an acceptable, non-racist topic of conversation?

If it's racist to fret over immigration when the yearly net figure is around 300,000 people. Then what about 400,000, or half a million? Or 600,000? And so on.

Personally, I believe that if you're going to throw such a heavy label at someone you should at least be able to answer this question yourself. Of course, the classic response is generally "I'm not putting a figure on it, I don't believe in quotas". However, even just a ballpark figure, or a general relative judgement will do. A hundred thousand more. A few hundred thousand more. Over a million.

Likewise if you're of the opinion that completely open borders with the rest of the world is the way to go. That there's effectively no upper limit. Then that's a perfectly fine thing to believe, but at least be honest enough to openly state this.

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