Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Boris Calendar Continues.. Hairgate

First up, in my haste to leave the house yesterday I missed this story. Claims that Boris wants to get back with his wife. I think I can probably put this in the list. The argument is that drama in his personal life will affect his ability to do the job, which is a fair point of criticism. Again though, it does just seem to be yet another personal attack.

(Boris, Daily Mirror headline)

On to today the articles all seem to be about Boris's hair. A photo appeared in the press showing Boris and his partner cordially sat at a picnic table. A seeming PR response to the "wine sofa" bust up. Anyhow, it's been pointed out that his hair in the picture looks about three inches longer than it is at the moment. Suggesting an old photo has been leaked to the press and presented as a recent one.

I saw people point this out on Twitter when the photo first appeared. Very eagle-eyed of the people who spotted it. I wasn't quite expecting the press to run with the anomaly though. Now it's very much an issue.

(The picture in question)

I don't know who's running the Boris campaign at the moment, but it's not going to plan. He's been held back from the media and has avoided debates, yet yesterday he agreed to be interviewed by Laura Kuenssberg, who's a sharp-shooter par excellence. If I was trying to manage a gaff prone politician avoiding Laura Kuenssberg would be top of the list. Then again though, I think the very fact that he's on the back foot with the media is a problem. He should just go out all guns blazing.

Everyone already understands that he sometimes says controversial things, and most people don't mind this. For many it's even a plus. The over-management is just making it look like he is completely disorganised though ..and also disingenuous.

Saying all this I get embarrassed when going to a job interview, so who am I to give advice. When you think of it, and you imagine yourself in this situation dealing with the media, it must be an absolute nightmare.

Finally, on a slightly different topic I've been watching quite a lot of Rory Stewart interviews on YouTube. I've really enjoyed them. I hope he gets onside if Boris wins. It'll be fascinating to see how things pan out in this regard now.

Oh, and I almost forgot, the list;

22nd June: Wine-sofa.
23rd June: "Far-right" Bannon links
24th June: "He want's to get back with his wife."
25th June: Hairgate (!)
26th June: ???

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