Sunday, June 9, 2019

Fields of Rye

It's all Michael Gove and cocaine today. I'm not really too concerned one way or another. I preferred Theresa May's fields of wheat. Much more wholesome. It's not a big deal someone taking cocaine, but it is a tiny window into that person's personal decision making. So it can help you to inform your judgement when voting. Theresa May has been a very safe pair of hands, and quite cautious. Which reflects what you'd expect from someone whose worst piece of mischief is running through a wheat field. I worry people will only begin to appreciate that sensible nature once she's gone.

I also finished reading The Catcher in the Rye. Great book. I still can't really imagine why notorious killers would be so fond of the book. Sure, the main character Holden Caulfield is a bit of a loner with a manic disdain for many aspects of society. However, he's certainly not a bad character. Quite the opposite. If anything his disdain seems to stem from a general contempt for the lack of goodness in society. Though in a very confused, teenage way.

Not to get too conspiratorial, but the book seems to me to be the sort of book that people would perhaps think a would-be killer would be obsessed with. Though, then again, the book was very commonly read by people during the decades after it was written. So no doubt many people who grew up reading it took the book to heart. In fact, it reminded me very much of the movie Rebel Without a Cause, with its teenage angst and romance. Not at all what I expected given the impressions I was given of the book from popular culture. Though then again I'm not sure what I expected really. Perhaps something much more dark and violent given the associations with assassination.

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