Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Low Hanging Fruit

Lots of low hanging fruit at the moment. Easy to pick. However, there's so much of it that it's impossible to tell which tree the fruit belongs to, the branches are so tangled. So I best just keep my opinions to myself and sit back and observe.

Sorry, that was very cryptic wasn't it, but I guess what I'm trying to say with that is that I'm seeing things that bring out the conspiracy theorist in me. However, firstly, I'm trying not to go down that route too much these days. I'm tired of the stigma, and I don't want to be completely excommunicated from the internet. Secondly, I'm beginning to realise that I simply don't have a big enough picture to make a true judgement. Sure, I may see something in the media that I deem ..err, un-true let's say, and I may be completely right about that, but perhaps that lie is taking place in a wider context. Maybe if I understood that wider context better I'd be more sympathetic to some of the people telling the lies.

So in regard this thing with Rory Stewart potentially being an MI6 agent. It's interesting, but is it good or bad? It probably stands to reason that there are both good and bad people working in intelligence agencies. You can be a bad person working in a good organisation. You can be a good person working in a bad organisation. So ultimately you do just have to judge the person.

It does lend an extra element of confusion though, as you now become more uncertain of their motives. They may do or say something that makes them look like a wrong 'un, however you then have to think. Are they really a wrong 'un or are they just pretending to be a wrong 'un, to infiltrate the other wrong 'uns? Like a good cop getting amongst some bad criminals. Then again, perhaps they're the criminals infiltrating the decent folk.

Of course, dishonesty is common in politics anyway. So we always have to question motives sadly. Even honest politicians have to hold their tongue and toe the line to a large extent. There are so many things you just can't say.

This is one of the problems with censorship really. It forces everyone to hold their tongue. We'll end up replacing the outspoken mob, saying naughty things on the internet, with a very canny, fox-like populus. All being as duplicitous as politicians.

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