Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Tory Leadership Race: Boris Speaks

As I write I'm listening to Boris Johnson's leadership campaign launch. I've almost given up on making any sort of judgement myself.

When judging politicians and other media figures there are always two questions to ask.

Do I agree with what they're saying? Do I believe what they're saying?

However, I now feel like we're playing some kind of 4D chess game with Brexit, where it's impossible to know exactly where people stand. It's much more fun and simple when you can play everything with a straight bat and simply take everyone at their word. Then it's simply a case of; do I agree with what they're saying, can I support that? However, when you're looking at things through a more cynical lens it becomes hard to know where to place your support or endorsement.

Watching people on Twitter who were previously pro-Brexit switch to a candidate like Rory Stewart. Who seems to be remain par excellence, has been both fascinating and baffling to watch. He's ran a superb campaign. So I can see the magic. I also see the sense of just going with the May deal, but I can't get past the fact that he seems like Macron-light. Citizen's assembly. Appeals to emotion. Storytelling. I much preferred listening to Andrea Leadsom's cool and calm discussion of the details and facts of the situation.

So, do the people supporting Rory know something I don't know? Or are they just more swayed by the razzmatazz? Or do they just understand the situation facing us better than I do?

It's interesting to watch, but hard to judge.

Having listened to Boris I'm still not sure what to make. The speech itself washed over me, but he was on very good form during the Q and A section. I do enjoy his way of speaking. Great phraseology. Let's see what happens now.

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