Saturday, June 8, 2019

Politics, getting a bit samey

Another short post today. I'm getting a bit bored of politics at present. It just seems like a playground. Especially Twitter. The constant allegations of anti-Semitism thrown at the Labour Party are particularly exhausting. I'm not saying there's no cause for debate, but the idea that a party that are advocating mass open borders are filled with actual racial hatred just seem bizarre to me.

The lady who won the Peterborough by-election for Labour, Lisa Forbes, just looks like a normal average woman. She looks like a nurse or a school dinner lady. I have huge problems with Labour, but I think if you look at this woman and see something to be feared you're being a little bit hysterical. Again, by all means call her out and criticise her for what she's liked or written on Facebook, but to demonise the woman so heavily for something so trivial is not a balanced response. Tolerance works both ways.

On a lighter, or perhaps darker note I'm currently reading The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger. I was expecting it to be much more depressing and gloomy, but so far (I'm about eight chapters in) it's been a great read. No sign as of yet as to why iconic murderers would be so fond of it.

I can't help but think of John Lennon as I read it. I wonder what he would make of today's world. I'll crack on reading later today I think.

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