Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Sun's Out and Boris is PM

So Boris is the new PM. It's hard to weigh up the situation, but it kinda feels right. Beautiful day. Red hot. Sun's out. It must be one of the hottest days of the year here in the UK. It's absolutely lilting. So it all fits well.

It must be weird becoming prime minister when it's always been your ambition since you were fifteen years old. That must mess with your head a little bit. It reminds me of when I started a new job to find the girl I'd had a ginormous crush on when I was thirteen was starting on the same day. It felt like fate (sadly it didn't quite work out like that lol). Hopefully it'll go better for Boris.

It's just a case of seeing what his cabinet looks like now. It'll really set the tone for the next few months.

I get a chance to use this image again now too..

It's a bit gloomy though. Perhaps I should do a more summery one.

Much better :)

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