Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Always posting, always raining.

I've been posting daily since May now. That's really flew by. I would've been a little bit surprised back in May if someone had told me I'd still be posting daily now - normally I get bored pretty quickly and these sort of things fizzle out. However, this has been surprisingly easy (apart from the occasional days when I nearly forget). It's quite a good little exercise and I'm now wondering why I didn't start doing it much earlier.

Also, on a minor note, I saw it mentioned in a newspaper article that there were fewer Extinction Rebellion protesters out yesterday because of the weather. I got soaked when I was out and about in it - we're heavily into autumn now. I was saying a few weeks back that the weather always plays a huge and unappreciated factor in these things. It means I can take a perverse kind of pleasure whenever it rains knowing that it'll dampen all the crazy protests.

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