Tuesday, June 16, 2020

..money and housing

I was just in the shower and it occurred to me that I haven't done much of this over the last week or so..

Yes, my plans for world domination. This was my flag, remember it? So I thought I better do a little update.

(Why is it that baths and showers get the mind ticking over? Got some type of Archimedes thing going on here.)

It's probably too late to start going into too much detail, so I'll just bullet point a few things I need to get working on.
  • housing
  • living space rights
  • money
Those are the three big ones at the moment. Whilst in the shower it dawned on me that my ideas aren't actually too different to the globalist vision. I think I'm just coming at things from a different angle. I saw an article earlier from the London School of Economics talking about direct cash payments to households from the Bank of England. It's not a million miles from what I've suggested before in regard monetary policy, though ironically I think I'm probably much less radical with it.

I think I should probably lay off the day to day politics a bit more (though there's so much happening) and focus a little bit more on this stuff. I have some ideas on housing in particular, but I'm just too lazy to get them down into writing. Might be a good time to get started.

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