Friday, June 5, 2020

Worldwide Trends Are Not Trending

I've just discovered that the 'worldwide trends' option on Twitter has been removed. Apparently they removed it on May 1st. It very much sums up the attitude of the 'liberal' globalist mind. Believing in one-world globalism ..but only when it suits them.

Obviously it's easier to manage the information people consume if you can keep them compartmentalised. With people ignorant of what's going on in other countries. Conversely, of course, it doesn't stop them from pushing the global hashtags they want us to see and embrace.

(Today it's World Environment Day)

In fact, this was what inspired me to check the worldwide trends this morning. I thought "what else is going on around the world?", but no, it seems I can't do that now.

I published an article on here a good while back titled Globalism vs Globalism. Stating in effect that we're seeing a battle between two world visions. Rather than a battle between globalism and nationalism, as it's often portrayed. In this case the 'globalists' at Twitter clearly prefer national boxes when it comes to what information we can explore.

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