Sunday, August 11, 2019

Autumn Calling

Kinda feels like the first day of autumn today. First time I've noticed it feel a bit chilly. Saying that I'm sat in shorts and t-shirt with the windows open, so it can't be that bad really. Still though it feels a bit damp and grey. Hopefully we'll get a few more spurts of summer before we head fully into autumn.

It'll start gradually getting colder as we gradually head towards Brexit. Some things transcend normal day to day politics and the seasonal weather cycle is one of them. We can't control the weather, we just have to work around it.

My first thought when the Brexit date was pushed back to Halloween was the weather. Spring is a new beginning, by Halloween you're heading into winter. Brexit followed by 3 months of summer is different to Brexit followed by three months of winter. Again, you just can't escape the weather. It's bigger than politics. Dark depressing nights, icy roads, all that jazz. So leaving at the beginning of November isn't going to be appealing to many people. It's the main reason I suspect it will be delayed. (Yet again).

Personally I'd leave in a blizzard, but that's just me. With green/blue eyes and freckled skin I feel like I'm genetically primed for dark nights, damp weather and bonfires. So Guy Fawkes might be fun if we do actually leave. I'm not optimistic though.

If we do leave though as planned one positive will be the Christmas economic spending bounce. Everyone will be spending more money buying presents and decorations and the economy will get its yearly kick.

Another positive regarding the weather is that it's going to be pretty cold around the leaving date. Hopefully if it's pouring down it'll make it less likely that all the outraged middle class remainers will head out onto the streets. It's easy to protest and have a nice day out when the weather is clement, but when you're soaked through and your cleverly worded placard is damp and dripping wet it's not quite the same. Likewise with the Tommy Robinson leave idiots. Not quite as easy to be all shouty and angry in the biting cold.

Perhaps we'll have some type of minor Armada moment where Providence brings a stormy tempest to disperse all the protesters from the streets.

Hopefully it'll piss down every day in the week running up to Halloween, then be nice and dry for the Guy Fawkes Day celebrations :)

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