Monday, August 12, 2019

The Witching Season Is Getting Nearer

I really need to keep this short as I have to head on out pretty soon. However, I feel this is one I could write a fair bit about.

Yesterday the following article appeared, where the Green MP Caroline Lucas calls for a "cabinet of national unity" made up of 10 all female MPs.

(The Guardian article. I'll be honest, her face wasn't green
in the original image. I did that. I just couldn't resist. The first thing that
sprung to mind when I saw the article was a witches' coven. Sorry
if that's too un-PC, but it all fits so nicely with the Halloween theme)

Where do you start with this one. Again, I'll have to get up and go take a shower in a few minutes so I can't overindulge (I've wasted enough time changing her face colour lol), but it ticks so many boxes. Brexit hysteria, gender politics, parliamentary shenanigans. It feels totemic. It's part amusing, part terrifying. Perhaps I should come back to it tomorrow maybe.

The point I will make here though is a point I've made before. Imagine these politicians were prepared to go to these lengths to tackle homelessness or knife crime, or the myriad other real problems we have.

It's very telling that of all the things they're prepared to cause chaos over this is the topic they choose - the fear that we'll leave an economic union.

..something that a majority of the voting population actually voted for too.

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