Friday, August 30, 2019

Salty Remainers, Crying To Judges

Now we have remainer MPs trying to get a legal ruling to overturn Boris's decision to prorogue parliament. Once again we have an ironical situation where the people crying over "democracy being suspended" are in fact seeking to undermine the whole damn thing. Bringing the courts into decisions that should be the preserve of the political arena.

We saw it last time, again with Boris. Where remainers were trying to get the courts to rule that his "350m Brexit bus" slogan was illegal. Whatever your thoughts on Boris and his political statements it's clearly up to the people to decide how valid they are. That's the whole point of elections - to make judgements on the politicians that rule us. If judges start intruding into that arena then it undermines democracy itself. Who will judge the judges? Who will hold them in check if not the people through their political representatives in parliament.

So it sets a dangerous precedent. Breaking the chain of democratic accountability.

Likewise with this latest attempt. Who do you want deciding when parliament is prorogued? A democratically elected leader or an unelected judge?

We will judge Boris at the next election. The judgement of Boris is a decision ultimately for the British people.

If these remainer MPs want Boris Johnson to be judged they should be calling for a general election. They should be making their case to the people. It's very telling that they're not doing this.

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