Saturday, August 24, 2019

Optimism Versus Pessimism

Let's get cracking. I did have an idea of what I was going to write about earlier on today, but I got sidetracked watching football amongst other things, so I've now lost the moment a little. I was just going to point out the difference in attitude between Brexit supporters and Brexit naysayers. I saw yet another article this morning in the press where Donald Tusk was being incredibly negative about Boris's Brexit proposals.

It really is optimism versus pessimism.

I've mentioned on here before how dealing with remainers is a little bit like dealing with a friend or family member that doesn't want to do something, or keeps putting something off, but won't just admit that they don't want to do it.

"It's not that I don't want to paint the fence, it's just that the weather's been really awful lately."

"..but the weather's supposed to be nice the next few weeks. We can do it then."

"Argh, yeah, but what's the point in painting it, it's only going to get ruined again. Plus we don't even have the right paint."

"I can get the paint. I'll even paint it, I don't mind. It'll give me something to do."

"Urgh, but it's so much messing around. We've got people coming in and out the house, we'll get paint everywhere. I'll do it next year when we're less busy. That's if you haven't changed your mind by then."

You get the picture. It's a bit like that.

"..but we'll have to have checks at the border and everything."

" worries, we all want as much trade as possible, I'm sure we can find ways around all that :) "

"Urghh, but what about Northern Ireland?"

And so on.

The people that don't want Britain to leave just look to every excuse to avoid doing it. Of course, it's understandable. No one's enthusiastic when it comes to doing things they don't want to do. Nevertheless though it's getting a bit repetitive. The constant sad sack attitude and body language. Zero interest in alternative ideas and solutions. So little goodwill. Endless foot dragging and negativity. The contrast couldn't be more stark.

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