Thursday, August 22, 2019

Macron - "British attached to being a great power"

Still mainly fixated with the Greenland story, but what else can you really say about that without getting sucked into conspiracising.

Anyway, back closer to normal politics we have Boris Johnson meeting Angela Merkel, etc. Is it the G7 now? It's always so hard to keep up with these things. It kind of all blends into one.

Apparently the meeting with Merkel went well, but we also have some stiff words from Emmanuel Macron.
"We have to help the British deal with this internal democratic crisis but we mustn't be hostage to it nor export it."
Stating that the Brexit deal wouldn't be re-negotiated. Later on (I'm lazily reading a BBC article as I type) he's also quoted as saying;
"the British are attached to being a great power"
They really have an oozing dislike of Britain. It's almost like globalism is threatened in some way by Britain's desire for independence. It'll be such a relief to finally leave.

He suggested that Britain outside the EU would become a vassal state of the US, though it seems like currently Germany is a vassal state of the French-speaking world. We could have a great relationship with Germany were it not for the EU. It's quite sad really.

I've just read that Macron is hosting the G7 at the weekend. So I'm guessing Boris meeting Merkel yesterday and Macron today is just a Boris thing. I have no idea what's going on. Why are you even reading this? :)

My haphazard approach will pay off in the end though. A good overview requires that you don't get too bogged down in the details unless it's absolutely essential.

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