Monday, August 19, 2019

Get Off Your A... And Do Something

Just a little addendum to that last post. The general attitude of governments towards their people is; "you have to get off your arse and do something, stop living off the state". An increasingly common way of living for many people.

However, if you don't have your own resources. Again, land or space being the primary resource (i.e. somewhere to do something in basic terms). Then really you can't get off your arse and do something. As you have nowhere to do that something and nothing to do it with.

What you can do is go and ask someone else with resources to give you a job. Perhaps a job that many other people also want, or increasingly it seems a job that possibly doesn't even exist. However, you're ultimately dependent on that person or company giving you a job.

If they won't give you one, or there simply isn't one to give you, then you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Being asked to create your own wealth, but with no resources to do that. Essentially being expected to create something from nothing.

Therefore to empower people and get people off the state and into self-sufficiency we need to free up resources.

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