Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Witching Season, Part II

I said I'd follow up the Caroline Lucas "all female" cabinet story. It's fairly easy to do so. She was roundly criticised, not just by people on the other side of the fence, but also by people on her own side, who complained that her proposed cabinet was an "all white list of women" lmao. Something she's subsequently apologised for.

I wouldn't normally put lmao in a blog post, but it really is just getting a bit mad now. It's beyond satire even.

It seems like the progressive left have well and truly entered a purity spiral. Where the standards to become a member become ever higher. This is normally something you would associated with the alt-right - that's not the alt-right as envisioned by the mainstream media, i.e. anyone with an opinion about immigration other than complete open borders. But the actual unironic alt-right, the small minority of people who want an actual racial ethnostate.

It goes like this. They want their racial enthnostate, but the problem then comes "who gets in?". What counts as white European? Do we let the Italians in? What about the Irish? What about people that just "look" a bit dark?

"Steve has a great-grandmother who was an immigrant, do we let him in?"

Where do you draw the line?

The requirements to count as "pure" spiral ever upwards until no one's left that can fit. The bar becomes too high for anyone, even those deciding where the bar is.

This is what happens when an ideology is faced with reality. Either it's accepted that the idea is wrong, in this case that there's no such thing as a pure racial type, or you keep refining the criteria in an attempt to find it, excluding ever more people. (Or of course you just lie, to both yourself and others. As many with this ideology often end up doing).

In progressive politics we now have a similar situation. The ideology that is in people's heads, that says there must be absolute "equality" in all things, when confronted with a natural world or set of circumstances that doesn't quite fit, goes into spiral mode. Anyone not whiter than white (pardon the pun, but it's the perfect analogy) is excluded. Even Caroline Lucas, one of the most progressive politicians on the block, can be denounced as horrible, racist and prejudiced.

For all my criticism of her political positions she's clearly a very nice woman. She's certainly not a racist that's for sure. So it's just crazy for anyone to have any such complaints about her ..but as they say in the ironic, media-labelled alt-right, they end up eating their own.

How far this all goes and where it all ends is anyone's guess. However, you would think that surely examples such as this latest one will go someway in highlighting the absurdity. We're creating standards of progressivism that even the progressives making the rules can't live up to. Something has to give.

Finally, on a side note, I became aware of the following article from the Guardian from about a week ago. Stating that women are turning to witchcraft to counter Trump. It's another lmao. I thought I better highlight it as it once again fits very nicely with the Halloween theme.

(meme magic vs witchcraft, the
final showdown)

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