Sunday, September 1, 2019

It Looks Like Boris Is Serious About Brexit :)

I'm currently in quite a good mood, sat listening to Kate Bush. In almost complete darkness except for this laptop screen and Kate Bush whirling around on the TV in the corner. Yes, it's one of those posts where I'm posting late at night, in the early morning hours.

I'm only really posting so late to make note of some news that seems very worthy of mention. Namely that Boris is now apparently threatening to deselect any Tory MPs that don't toe the line on Brexit. Essentially threatening to sack them from the party.

This is quite good news, at least in my opinion anyway :)

The news that he would prorogue parliament is something that didn't sit too well with me. I don't see it as a huge deal. After all it's only a few extra days they'll be missing, but it's nevertheless a cynical political move, and one that allows people on the remain side to finally claim some moral high ground. Though saying all that, given what Boris is faced with it's perhaps something I would do myself were I in his shoes.

He's up against rebels that are;

a) trying to overthrow the government and get rid of him (even though they haven't given him time to even try to get a deal yet).

And that b) would probably delay another general election for as long as possible if they got one of their number in charge (unless it's Corbyn, who to be fair probably does genuinely want an election).

So you could make a good argument that proroguing parliament is in both Boris's interest and in the national interest - if you think Brexit is in the national interest that is. As I do. Plus, again, they'll only be missing 4 to 6 days because of it, and they've already had a full three years to debate Brexit. So they're pushing their luck big time quite frankly in complaining about this.

Anyway, though I have mixed feelings about prorogation, I have no such hesitations about the deselection threat. It's exactly what I would do were I in his position. These remain politicians are so out of touch with Tory party voters that they need to get with the program or find another party. This is a huge issue of national importance, so the country should be pulling together. It's completely ridiculous that Tory politicians are seeking to undermine a freshly elected leader at this moment. So the news (if it is indeed true) is very, very welcome.

Sadly my general scepticism means I'm always second guessing politicians and wondering if it's wise to take them at their word. So I really hope this is all as it seems. It looks like Boris is doing all the right things at the moment. So I'm optimistic. It looks like we now have someone in charge that wants to get this thing done, and that is prepared to exercise decisive leadership to do it.

We currently have all the remain protesters out and about on the streets over what he's doing, but they look a bit lame and desperate. The numbers just don't look that big from what I've seen. You get the feeling that perhaps the wider country is coming together and just wants to get on with things.

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