Sunday, September 22, 2019

Underestimating the remain alliance

I'm sat listening to Nigel Farage on LBC on this Sunday morning. Obviously the talk is Labour. The infighting, the drama, etc. A caller has just phoned in and expressed his fears that Corbyn could sneak into No. 10 by the back door if Boris is forced out by the courts and parliament. Going on to say he could enter as caretaker and hang on until 2022. Nigel sympathised with his concern, but stated that if Corbyn did get in like this a general election would very soon follow.

This probably explains why everybody is in campaign mode at the moment. However, I think Nigel is really underestimating what he's up against. If Boris is ousted and these people get the reigns they'll attempt to hang on as long as possible in my opinion. No matter how ragtag their coalition. They may somehow ditch Corbyn along the way and get someone more amenable in. Though saying that Corbyn seems to have became very manageable of late. So perhaps they feel they can herd him long enough to get Brexit blocked. To only then ditch him much later when there is an election.

The remain alliance are all at each other's throats at the moment, but they'll quickly re-amalgamate like a T-1000 is they find a route to put the breaks on Brexit.

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