Friday, September 27, 2019

Wow, the parliament really are using their time well..

Well, parliament has been back, but all we've seen so far is outrage about language. First we saw politicians demanding that Boris apologise for proroguing parliament, then that moved on to demands that Boris apologise for the language he was using.

It was like watching a man get abused by a huge harem of hysterical housewives.

An apology. Is that really a huge priority? Don't these people have incredibly important work to be getting on with? Wasn't that the whole argument for getting parliament back.

I don't want to be too rude, but it's hard not to. Many of the people in parliament. Particularly on the Labour side are simply not cut out for that environment. If you're hysterically offended by someone using the word "surrender" in a political debate then you're probably not the best person to be representing 100,000 constituents in a debating chamber.

I probably should stop there. Let's see what happens going forward now.

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