Sunday, September 8, 2019

No Elections On Planet Earth

I'll bring it back down to Earth today. At the moment we're just waiting to see what happens now in British politics. My expectations are that we won't get an election any time before Christmas and that the remainers will just prolong our collective misery as long as possible. I keep trying to remind myself that there may be some cunning plan in the offing, centring around the Kinnock amendment that "slipped" through. That's not what my instinct is telling me though. My general feeling is one of deadlock.

Boris will have to either go grovelling for an extension, hand over the reigns to the remainers, or just break the law and ignore their edict altogether (or perhaps find some as yet unseen way around it). It's hard to imagine him ignoring parliament and going down the unlawful route. So it's a toss up between him going to Brussels and asking for more time or the remainers taking charge (I'm not exactly sure how possible or likely that is, but if they have the will and the numbers then I can quite well imagine it).

Perhaps there will be some cunning plan though.

One thing that could have an effect is this public mood. I thought it was just me that was in a rage last week, but it turns out a very many people feel that way. Polls seem to be showing that people want an election, and Boris's numbers are getting higher with each resignation.

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