Thursday, September 12, 2019

Europe Beginning To Understand Britain Better Than Remainers?

I almost forgot to post today. Which is probably a good thing as it means I haven't been as wound up today as I have been recently. I said earlier in the year that I was going to take a more Buddhist attitude to life, but it hasn't really panned out like that lol. I probably should try to remind myself of that a bit more.

I didn't think I'd have much to talk about, but I've just read an interesting article in The Times with the headline EU officials regret getting into bed with Remainers. It essentially states that officials on the EU side are becoming frustrated with Remainers, particularly those within Labour. The general sense being that these hardline Remainers are misrepresenting the situation here in the UK, and also misrepresenting what they can achieve here. Stating in effect; don't worry, leave it to us, we'll keep the UK in.

It reminded me of an article I read from a German newspaper perhaps over a year ago now. I remember coming across it and thinking "Ooh, an article on Brexit from the German perspective, this should be interesting". However, when I read it it was exactly like reading an article from the British mainstream media, with all the same talking points. I could've been reading a Guardian article.

It immediately made me think, "oh, right, so they're just getting their information from our media". Obviously it makes sense when you think about it. Where else would they get their information about the UK if not from our media and our politicians. Once you realise that you then begin to see a problem. They're getting their information about the UK from people within the Westminster bubble (or should I say SW1 now we're in the post-Dominic Cummings world) that are unable themselves to understand what's going on in wider Britain.

You have to feel for people across the channel if they're getting their information from people like Tony Blair. I remember when Blair came out and badmouthed the May Deal straight after it was released. I immediately knew it couldn't have been that bad a deal. "It must take us out of the EU if Blair hates it" I thought.

Perhaps if these figures from within the UK hadn't been causing so much trouble we'd be on a much smoother path by now.

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