Monday, September 16, 2019

Election, when?

So what will this week bring?

It's quite odd because it feels like a lot of politicians are very much in campaign mode. There seems to be a bit of niggle between the Labour, SNP and Lib Dems too. Suggesting they'll all be competing with each other on the doorstep instead of having accommodating arrangements. That bodes well for the pro-Brexit parties, which perhaps suggests that either they're all beginning to resign themselves to the idea of Boris getting us out on Halloween (hard to imagine they'll give up that easily though). Or, more likely, the remain head honchos are hunkering down for the long game. Delaying an election as long as possible, whilst letting the more naive party minded politicians think there's an election around the corner.

Then again perhaps it's all just spiralling out of control for the Remainers. After all, it must be difficult keeping all those varying factions on board.

On the pro-Brexit side everyone's calling for a Conservative/Brexit Party pact, which would be an eminently sensible thing to do. However, it's probably better to wait until closer to an election to announce such a thing as otherwise both parties will get tarred for the mistakes any one party makes. They'll also constantly be having to defend the policies and people they're getting into bed with. So it makes more sense to wait.

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