Monday, December 9, 2019

10 seats + 1

It wasn't possible to do an accumulator on the betting site I use. Probably for the best really, since it's highly unlikely I'd be able to get many, let alone every single selection right. That's even if the Brexit Party actually managed to get a significant number of seats. So I'm doing it super boring (and super cheap). I have £10 left in my account. So I'm going to pick the 10 most likely seats where the Brexit Party can win (plus Middlesbrough of course, how could I not) and putting a £1 bet on each (I know, I know, big money right! To be fair though I'm generally not much of gambler anyway. Plus I don't have that much money to begin with *sad face* ).

It'll be fun to see if I can at least win my £10 back.

So far I have;

Hartlepool 5/1 - £1
Barnsley Central 8/1 - £1
Great Grimsby 22/1 - £1
Middlesbrough 25/1 - £2 (I got a £2 free bet ! Middlesbrough is kind of the bonus ball in this.)

I now need to pick seven more seats.

(And don't worry, I'm still gathering data for the inquisition that will inevitably come after this election. Even though my posts for the run up will now all be about daft £1 bets.)

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