Monday, December 23, 2019

Christmassy stuff..

I'd like to crack on doing some more spreadsheets. It's surprisingly therapeutic. But these last two days I have too much normal, Christmassy stuff to do. So I'll have to palm off a few more short posts.

I should mention the little (but festive) spat I had on Twitter yesterday though. The hardcore #FBPE crowd still haven't quite let go. In spite of two knockout electoral defeats. It's a bit sad to see in a way. I actually feel a bit bad for some of them. I would just leave it be, but what triggered me was a cartoon image from a German publication portraying Boris as a Nazis. Obviously it's just cartoon satire, but I do think it's important to challenge such stuff as it's a very unhelpful comparison to keep making. Most British people (at least most non-#FBPE British people) naturally see this stuff as total nonsense, but the rest of the world, and the rest of Europe in particular, generally have to go by secondhand information.

So suggesting that this is not the will of the British public is a huge misrepresentation. Brexit has been pushed from the ground up. Not from the top down. Quite the opposite of anything dictatorial.

The sooner everyone, both inside and outside of the UK, accepts that democracy has spoken and that Brexit is happening the better it will be for everyone. So the false narrative that it's somehow not democratic is both incorrect and dangerous. It just sows division between Britain and those countries choosing to remain in the EU.

Let's just get on with making the best of the situation in 2020.

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