Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Stockton South - Con Gain

Another seat where there isn't too much for me to say.

(click to enlarge)

As with the last seat we can see that the Labour candidate had a decent social media showing, yet still tanked. We're seeing a bit of a pattern where what's happening online isn't really a reflection of what's going on in real life. Again, I put this down to the fact that there is a vocal minority of people who take an active, continued interest in politics. I very much fit into this category. Then there's the rest of the population. The majority. Who aren't as loud or obsessed with it all, but who take an interest in a loose or general sense, then come out and vote when it gets important.

Of course, there's also another big chunk of people who don't vote at all. Or do so rarely. So it's a greying scale and all these things blend into one another.

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