Thursday, December 12, 2019

Christ, I Hate Labour

Well, the big day is here. I really should be typing some big, special post or something, but what can you say at this point. We have no real way of knowing what will happen and it's just a waiting game now.

I have a sense of foreboding about the result. I actually feel like Corbyn is doing well. This might be a product of my location though. Middlesbrough is a strong Labour area and they were always going to be out in force. It's a bit depressing watching many people I know coming out in favour of Labour. They've caused so much trouble in parliament over the last few years. How on earth can people watch that behaviour and then choose more of that?

One thing that's very apparent to me is that many Labour voters aren't really voting for Labour - they're voting for Corbyn. So many traditional Labour voters really love the guy. It's like a personality cult.

I need to cheer up a bit more I think. Normally I tend to enjoy election night, whatever the result, but it might be a depressing experience this time if things don't go the right way.

I'm also working a night shift tonight :( ..beginning at 10 pm, exactly when the polls close. Hopefully I'll finish early (maybe 2ish) and get to watch the drama. If it's a long one though and I'm there 'til 4 or 5 o'clock it'll be a case of having a lot of catching up to do after I finish.

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