Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Back To Westminster

Jacob Rees-Mogg has said he wants MPs to return to Westminster as soon as possible. This is good news. Hopefully it will happen sooner rather than later.

Obviously many of the Labour Lock Downers are now stating how "dangerous" this is and that they should continue to "work from home". This inspires two thoughts in me. Firstly, the necessity for choice in all things regarding this lock down. Give everyone a choice. If you want to stay home, stay home. We'll make it easy for you to do that. However, do not stop other people from going out and getting on with their lives. I'd happily apply this to Westminster too. It'll soon illustrate what politicians and which system is most effective. The voters can then judge.

The second thing that occurs to me is this. If politicians are happy to relegate themselves to talking heads on a TV screen then they're perhaps setting in motion something that will radically change things for good ..and not to their personal benefit I would imagine. It takes quite a knack to be engaging on a TV screen. Just look at YouTube. It's not easy to stand out. So stripping back the gravitas that comes with speaking in a prestigious building. In front of an audience. Perhaps in a nicely tailored suit. Then you end up with a situation where politicians are visually on the same level as everyone else sat at home in front of their laptop.

I think back to the European elections last year when Carl Benjamin, aka Sargon of Akkad, stood as a UKIP candidate. He's an excellent YouTuber - not that I agree with everything he says of course. However, he's very good at what he does. He's engaging. That's why so many people watch him. So I would suspect that a few years of "virtual" parliament would then make it easier for people like him to get their foot in the door, were they to stand again.

In effect the disadvantage of "not looking like a serious politician" would be removed. As the politicians would now look more like you.

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