Saturday, May 30, 2020

Hotting Up

Another extremely warm day. I'm tired too :( I got sidetracking into arguing with people on Twitter again over lock down 😄 It's truly incredible how much time that consumes. I think it was about four o'clock when I finally went to bed. What a life.

The other big news at the moment is the rioting in the US. I find it quite sickening seeing how much these things are being deliberately stirred up. I hope it's something that dies down pretty quickly, but if this is a continuing trend then it's a big worry. I might have to start spending some time on Twitter arguing about that.

..the heat (!!!!)

Also, and this is completely idle speculation here, I've been wondering about the climate a little bit. Thanks to the virus we shut down so much travel and industry that it massively reduced our pollution output (we can all remember the images and news reports). With it being so repressively hot these last few days it got me thinking; perhaps there could be some unpredicted consequence of this. A butterfly effect type thing.

Of course, every summer we always say "wow, it's so hot ...I don't remember it being this bad, EVER!". It's human nature. So I'm sure everything's perfectly normal and dandy.

It is interesting though. Every year we pump out tonnes of pollutants. It's the natural state of things (however bad you may deem it) and it's gradually developed to this point over decades. Now all of a sudden we've shut things down for months on end. If the human impact on climate really is as pronounced as is claimed then it's not unreasonable to wonder at the impact this may have. Our instinct, based on our self-flagellation over our horrible impact on the Earth, is to see it as a positive thing. We're giving nature a little break from our bad behaviour. However, what if nature has grown used to our ways. Now all of a sudden we're giving things a little jolt in the other direction.

It reminds me a little of The Day the Earth Caught Fire. Great movie. Perhaps I may watch it again as I sweat away in this heat.

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