Monday, May 18, 2020

Slow Day in the News Room

I have so little to write today. The politics is beginning to bore me a little. In fact, a lot. I'm back to taking an interest in other things now. It seems negligent to turn away from politics given how serious the overall situation is at the moment. How can you just sit back and read a book when the whole nation has its rights stripped? ..but it is just getting so dull. I've just clicked on the BBC News homepage and the headline is that loss of taste and smell has now been added to the official list of Coronavirus symptoms. It's just endless drivel. My only hope now is that everyone else gets as bored of all this as I am. I think it's the only way out. I really can't see any hope of us reasoning ourselves out of this.

Actually, scratch all that. I'm being incredibly negative aren't I. I shouldn't really paste my current mood on the overall situation. There are actually quite a lot of good people beginning to speak some common sense. So there is much room for hope. I think what's annoying me is that we're beginning to reach the stage where the informational dam is bursting and the mainstream media are allowing more critical voices to appear. Which in turn means people who get all their information from the mainstream media are now becoming aware of things you were trying to explain to them two months ago.

Yesterday a family member told me I should check out Lord Sumption's criticism of the lock down. As they'd just seen it on TV. However, when I'd asked them to read the very same Lord Sumption's criticism two months ago they wouldn't even hear me out amidst the mass hysteria. Looking at me like I was some type of "conspiracy loon" at the time. Now it's on TV suddenly it's validated and my pleas from weeks earlier are conveniently forgotten and completely erased from history.

Of course, it's great that the tide has turned a little. It's good that people are now beginning to hear the other side of the argument. It's so frustrating though, and doesn't bode well for any future reoccurrence of a situation like this. As again many will just follow the media line without thought.

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