Sunday, May 3, 2020

Revising Revisions

Very lazy Sunday today. I haven't done much at all. The one useful thing I have been doing though is reading through my book Civilisation Judas (the one in the sidebar). It's the first time I've read through it since it was published and it's allowed me to start correcting a few grammar mistakes that are in there. I was expecting to find more so it hasn't been too bad so far. Just the odd everyday instead of every day and a few other things like that.

Hopefully I can get it all fixed within the next week or so - that's if I can remember how to re-edit the Amazon templates. Not that it ever sells anyway. Still it's nice to have it out there and published.

It was interesting to read it back. I get the feeling it would annoy Christians, Jews, Muslims and Atheists in equal measure if any were to ever read it. Not to mention historians. So it's perhaps for the best that it remains in obscurity 😅

One paragraph did seem quite fitting for these current times though.
Regarding the excess of written law, it can often leave less room for moral choice, and consequently can sometimes have a dehumanising effect on society. Regulations and laws, for all their benefit, can come at the cost of genuine freedom. The law of the jungle - in effect the absence of law - representing freedom with all its dangers. The law of the city, or civilisation - with all its legality - symbolic of both captivity and comfort.

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