Sunday, May 31, 2020

Increasingly Positive Propaganda

I spent this morning going back through the UK Prime Minster Twitter account to download all the little Coronavirus graphics. Quite an odd thing to do I know, but I'd noticed over the last week or so that some of them have been quite arty. Obviously the Stay Home and Stay Alert campaigns have become a big part of our lives over recent months. Whether we've wanted them to or not. So thinking ahead I'm imagining that at some point in the future (assuming we have any sort of normal future ahead of us) that these images will acquire a certain iconic allure. Much like some of the propaganda images from World War II and other eras.

(A mosaic showing some of the images from May)

It's also quite striking how different in tone the more recent ones have been in comparison to the earlier ones. Back in March the warnings from government were quite stark and stern. It was very depressing seeing them pop up at the time. Especially for someone like me on the anti-lock down side of the argument. However, the more recent ones have been much more charming and playful.

(A stark image from the 29th of March)

(A somewhat sunnier one from the 23rd of May)

Quite a contrast. There's also a noticeable improvement in aesthetic quality.

I wonder, is it a little in-house government department that knocks these things up? Or do they just hire private advertising agencies? I have no idea. Either way I hope the people responsible keep the gig for future things. Hopefully things that are a bit more positive. Like promoting post-Brexit Britain maybe :)

(As I've been posting this one popped up.)

Another nice and colourful one.

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